
Together we create FUTURE-PROOF DESIGNS

From feasibility-study to project delivery

DESIGN HOOFD offers design and development services in architecture, design and urbanism. In each project the following topics are always driving factors.

User Experience
In every design, weather of architectural nature or an art installation, the user experience is always the number one priority. If the designed space is not interesting or pleasant to be in, there is little reason for this space to exist.

Futureproof building means more than making things last long, it is about taking the right materials that have the least impact on the environment, using natural resources for energy and increase energy-efficiency by using smart materials and even more important smart design.

Innovation / Out of the Box
DESIGN HOOFD has a hedonistic and open-minded approach to each design and development challenge in which new technologies are embraced and implemented to create the latest and newest fitting design that are both contemporary and future.

Building Information Modeling
DESIGN HOOFD uses BIM (building information modeling) tools to turn sketches into reality in the shortest turnover time, with the most control over the separate design parameters.

Reuse, Renovate and Fresh
With experience in (monument) renovations, transformations, new extensions and fully new built, DESIGN HOOFD has a wide understanding of making the most of the context. Challenging requirements make the most interesting final projects.

Research based approach
Do not take others word for it, research yourself! Put yourself out there and verify, understand the literature and find out in your own experience.

Please have a look at the recent projects for a glimpse of the finished projects and projects that are under construction.


Smart-, Efficient- and Effective design resulting in high levels of integration


Newly built, Transformation and Renovation


From feasibility study to building delivery


From urban planning to design detailing
